Through previous blog posts, it has been shown that getting a job with a felony, while not at all easy, is not impossible.
It just seems that way.
Previous blog posts have revealed that felons are allowed to work in a variety of capacities. They can become nurses, dental assistants, and doctors.
Of course, many of the employment opportunities are what may be considered entry level types of jobs.
Felons who are released from prison are in exactly that position. They are re-entering society and getting a foothold in employment again.
There are jobs in a variety of areas.
Can felons work for the Post Office?
This blog post will cover the question of whether felons can work for the Post Office.
- Federal Government Job?
- Postal Service Hiring Practices
- What This Indicates
- Supporting Felons Wanting to Work for the Postal Service
Federal Government Job?
That might not be so easy! Think about it. Working for the agency responsible for handling, processing, and delivering the mail. Aren’t felons dishonest, untrustworthy, and irresponsible?
It would seem that working for the federal government at all is out of the question.
After all, the government is the one who arrested, prosecuted, and incarcerated felons in the first place.
An earlier blog post addressed the issue of felons working for the government and found that the government will not only consider felon applicants but will actually hire them. Imagine that!
Postal Service Hiring Practices
Looking into it, there is actually a lot of information available related to Postal Service requirements for employment.
Skipping right to the part regarding felons reveals a lot.
First, their guidelines state that in an effort to be fair to applicants, while considering obligations to the public which they serve and their workforce, individual applicants are considered on their own merits.
The Postal Service states that applicants are judged according to whether they are determined to be employable by their agency.
One fact that is made clear is that those wanting to work for the Postal Service with a felony will be considered only for entry-level positions and not in sensitive areas.
As a part of the application process a background check will be completed. No surprise there, of course.
Included in the background check, a criminal records check will be conducted in each county in which felons have lived for the past five years.
Then their regulations state that they will look at instances resulting in a conviction or where charges are still pending. If charges were dismissed or defendants were acquitted, these records will not be considered in the hiring process.
For any convictions which were expunged, sealed, or the results were set aside, vacated, or annulled, they will not be used.
What then do they look at?
Postal Service rules indicate that the following are considered to be important:
- The age at which each offense occurred
- The length of time since the offense
- Efforts toward rehabilitation
- Education and training obtained
- Employment history since their release
- Having their civil rights restored
- Information from legal and social service agencies regarding rehabilitation
- The particular position being applied for
Regarding the time since their conviction, it is indicated that at least 10 years must have passed since their conviction and not having any criminal conviction in the preceding five years.
What This Indicates
What stands out is that the Postal Service is willing to consider felon applicants who are serious about successful re-entry into society.
These stipulations reveal what has been previously stated. That is, felons must take their situation seriously and have a goal of working for the Postal Service. No, it won’t be easy to get hired.
But there is an opportunity available to those who want it.
Doing the things that it will take to reach that goal and get the postal job will be challenging, but what hasn’t been since leaving prison?
Seeking expungement or sealing of their records can pay big dividends.
Felons need to be willing to do what it takes.
When it comes to their employment record, having a quality resume is essential. They can obtain this from quality sources.
They can go through a re-entry program or get further education and training to get the knowledge and skills they need.
The Guide to Getting Employed is available to those who want that goal. There are stories of success and tips for presenting themselves in a favorable light.
Supporting Felons Wanting to Work for the Postal Service
For families of felons wanting to work for the Postal Service, take the time to help your loved one in their efforts to get further education or training.
Support them in returning to society and finding a way to succeed and make a difference.
An earlier blog post showed felons make good employees.
The Postal Service needs quality employees. There is no reason why felons can’t be that quality employee.
What do you think about this blog post? Are you or someone you know been in the situation of trying to get a job with the Postal Service with a felony? What was that like for them, and how did they achieve success? Please tell us in the comments below.
As a convicted felon, I can say it is nearly impossible to get a USPS job with a felony. The Postal Inspector’s Office does the background check and will immediately disqualify you.
They will have you go through two entire rounds of interviews and even give you a tour with the Postmaster. Feeling like you’re in, you’ll submit to a background and fingerprint check. Expect a “no” within a week. No chance.