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Locations - Texas - McAllen, Texas

McAllen, Texas

Jobs for Felons

Based on estimates of the population in 2017, there are approximately 142,000 people in McAllen, Texas. This size city usually offers many jobs in a variety of areas, especially for the general public.  Finding work is difficult for anyone, but our research shows that it is more difficult for someone with a felony conviction because of less opportunity and lower priority due to their criminal record.

Some major employers in McAllen are listed below along with expectations and information when you apply to these jobs with a felony conviction. Included are some job possibilities in the McAllen area that our research shows may be open to hiring felons.

Make sure you read this entire page for your best chance at being successful in your job search.

Edinburg Consolidated ISD: Many job possibilities in education typically exist for people with no criminal record. Our research strongly indicates that concerns in safety and security regarding contact with minors, in addition to state licensing and certification that may be available, severely limit felons from working in education. This is a very unlikely place to work.

McAllen ISD: Education jobs are challenging enough for anyone to find. Felons face an even larger obstacle, based on our research, because of state licensing and education requirements that they typically are unable to meet. There are also major concerns regarding safety and security in dealing with minors in education. This is unlikely to work out.

Edinburg Regional Medical Center: Jobs in healthcare offer opportunities to help those struggling with medical difficulties. While this is worthwhile for many, it will be a major obstacle, based on our research, for someone with a felony record as options are limited except for a few support positions. State licensing and certification requirements are typically not available to felons. Therefore, this is unlikely to be a good place to find work.

University of Texas Pan American: Even at the secondary level, education jobs can be challenging enough for anyone with clean record to find. A felony conviction only creates more obstacles because of advanced education, training, and certification requirements that are often denied to felons. Generally, there are few opportunities for felons even if they are serious about reentry into society. A few basic support positions may exist. This is probably not a good employer to apply to.

McAllen Medical Center: Working at a medical center is worthwhile for anyone interested in medical care. Opportunities certainly exist for the general population having a clean record. This is not the same except for a few support positions for anyone with a criminal record. Our research suggests that many jobs in the health industry are out of reach for felons because of licensing and certification requirements typically denied to felons. This is probably not a good place to apply to.

Hidalgo County: Based on our research, county government jobs are sometimes available to felons. Of course, it will depend on the level of the position along with any educational and training requirements.  Our research suggests that it will be extremely difficult for many felons depending on the particular felony offense in question, its severity, and when it happened. This still may be a place to apply.

Mission Consolidated ISD: The Consolidated Public Independent School District in McAllen is unlikely to hire someone with a felony record. While a few support positions might be possible, even these are extremely limited because work in education requires state licensing and certification that is usually denied to felons. Our research also indicates strong concerns regarding safety and security when working with minors. Therefore, this isn’t likely to be a successful place to look for work.

City of McAllen: Based on our research, government work with the city may be an option for a felon to obtain. It will still be extremely difficult and challenging for any felon, but those that are serious about reentry into society and finding work to support themselves and their families may be able to find a place here.

Walmart: This is a company known nationwide and especially in areas like McAllen, many job opportunities are available. Our research indicates that Walmart is a felon-friendly employer. This still does not mean automatically being able to work here, but those with a felony record who are serious about recovery and reentry and finding work for financial support may be able to work here. This is strongly recommended as a place to apply.

Columbia Rio Grande Regional Hospital: There are many job options open at a hospital in different areas of education and skill. Typically, these are reserved for those with a clean record in the general public.  While it is certainly possible to be hired at a hospital, many of these positions are likely more available to those with a misdemeanor on their record. Health jobs are typically given to those who were able to acquire the licensing and certification from the state that felons are often denied. Our research indicates that this is not likely to be a good place to apply.

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