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Locations - Kansas - Kansas City, Kansas

Kansas City, Kansas

Jobs for Felons

The population of Kansas City, Kansas, has about 153,000 as of 2019 population estimates.

Numerous job options are available in a city of this size in a variety of employment areas.

Finding a job can be difficult for most people, but a felony conviction will make it even more challenging to get work because of frequent limited opportunities and lower priority due to their criminal background.

Jobs for Felons in Kansas City Kansas

To help you, we have compiled a list of some of the best skills you can learn to offer you the best chance of getting jobs for felons in Kansas City Kansas.

Truck Driving

Truck driving has become a haven for people with a record. Most truck driving companies employ anyone qualified, irrespective of their history. It is welcome news since it isn’t like most other companies that discriminate against people with records.

The first requirement to qualify for this job in Kansas City, Kansas, is a professional truck driving license. It is more than just driving a conventional car.

You have to know what to do when a truck goes up and down a slope to avoid overheating the brakes. Truck drivers also have to understand how they can prevent their load from shifting when on a curve.

What’s more, you also have to be willing to be away from home for days at a time.

Truck driving requires a lot of dedication, but it is one of the highest-paying jobs for felons in Kansas City Kansas.

Customer Service Representative

If you are good at solving problems and helping people, being a customer service representative might just be your calling. What you’ll do as a customer service representative is to speak to customers in place of a company. You are to give all necessary information on the company’s services, answer customer’s complaints, and take orders.

Sometimes, customers will need help with how a product or service works. Your job as a customer service representative is to resolve any problem they may present. When anyone calls for a problem that needs to be solved, you can provide the customer with step-by-step instructions.

As a customer service representative, you have to take note of the customer coming with a problem. You also have to know about the most asked questions or issues customers come up with. In situations where you don’t know the answer to a question or solve a problem, you can seek the help of another more experienced worker or supervisor.

An added benefit of being a customer service representative is that they are needed in almost every industry.

Current Job Listings in Kansas City, Kansas

Below we have a number of job listings, followed by the top employers in Kansas City and their hiring policies.

Make sure you read this entire page for your best chance at being successful in your job search.

How we help

This website was created by a few folks who have personally watched their loved ones struggle to get a job due to having a felony.

Your New Life Starts Here.

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