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Locations - North Carolina - Fayetteville, North Carolina

Fayetteville, North Carolina

Jobs for Felons

210,000 is the number of people populating Fayetteville, North Carolina, as of 2017. A major city with this size provides a variety of jobs in numerous areas. While getting a job is challenging enough for most people, someone with a felony record will likely face an even greater obstacle when looking for a job because of limited opportunity and lower priority than someone with a clean record.

North Carolina offers a variety of available job opportunities for the general public. What about jobs for felons in Fayetteville North Carolina? The short answer is yes.

Still, convicted perpetrators must face numerous obstacles before securing employment and overall reentry into society. Dealing with stereotypes and prejudices, which are often attributed to the nature of the offense, will most likely affect the applicant.

While these deterrents may hinder your progress, you shouldn’t let them dictate your attitude. To aid you in achieving your goal of landing a job, we gather some information that may be beneficial.

Jobs for Felons in Fayetteville North Carolina

The number of entrepreneurs and even large corporations willing to hire convicted criminals is increasing. These companies have implemented hiring practices that will provide you with a fair chance.

Checking jobs for felons in Fayetteville North Carolina is more accessible than before, thanks to the internet. Businesses from a multitude of sectors are utilizing the power of the information superhighway to reach out to former inmates with employment opportunities.

Nowadays, these three working environments are available if you are considering a second life in Fayetteville.

Work From Home

Because of technological advancements, working remotely from home has become mainstream. It has opened a lot of doors for those who prefer to stay in their houses but still be able to earn a living.

You can work as a customer service representative or as a sales agent in the comfort of your home. Answer calls, respond to emails, and attend meetings without going to your company’s office.

Work at Night

There are job openings in Fayetteville that require you to be on duty during nighttime. You’ll most likely find hirings for night trash collectors, which offer decent rates.

It could be a hassle working in a graveyard shift. However, if you consider the salary and the add-on benefits, it’s worth a look, especially if you haven’t signed with anybody yet.

Work on the Road

As you may have guessed, truck driver openings in Fayetteville are plenty. Yet, because the list for this type of job is long, you may want to check as many as you can before applying.

Look at their rates and benefits before clicking the apply button. This way, you’d be able to avoid too many inquiries from companies that may not interest you.

Below we have a number of job listings, followed by the top employers in Fayetteville and their hiring policies.

Make sure you read this entire page for your best chance at being successful in your job search.

How we help

This website was created by a few folks who have personally watched their loved ones struggle to get a job due to having a felony.

Your New Life Starts Here.

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Companies Hiring Felons

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Reentry Programs

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